Ringing in the new

The story goes that there’s magic in the stroke of midnight. It’s always true, because it’s always a fresh start, but it’s even more profoundly powerful in the moment one year dies and another begins. It’s a new beginning, of sorts, but mostly, it’s a reminder that you can decide how the coming day- or the coming year- is spent.

NYE is a ritual. Even if only through the power of alcohol and exploding things, we farewell the old, ring in the new, and chase away the demons of the past with enough blaring pop songs, rock classics, and gunpowder to startle even the heartiest of metaphorical evildoer.

Over the years, the story changed. That thing you do at midnight became the thing you’ll get joy from for the rest of the year. Kissing the one you love? Well, clearly, you’ll have a happy and loving relationship for another year. Surrounded by friends? Obviously, they’ll be there for you for the coming year.

Throughout their year, the pagans held yearly rituals, recommitting themselves to their loved ones, the land around them, their gods. And maybe this idea that we’re binding ourselves to a certain action or emotion for a year stems from that. Or maybe we’re all just hopeless romantics who want to be in the arms of the one we love as we ring in a new year filled with infinite potential.

We all have the power, daily, to make change. We’re all more than capable of deciding what we’ll stand for, and what we’ll accept from those around us. And deep down, we know that every day has the same potential as NYE in terms of recommitting ourselves to our goals, our loves, and our friends and family. But still, it’s nice to have a night of magic once in a while, no?

However you spend your end of year, I hope it’s everything you want it to be and more. Same for the coming year.

Try and stay out of trouble.